Saturday, October 1, 2011

Date Night

We had a great date night tonight!  We went to see the movie "Courageous," which was a wonderful movie.  We laughed, we cried, we were annoyed by a girl in front of us with a cell phone...(well okay, maybe that was just one of us!).  All in all, it was a fun night!  Hopefully we can try to have more of those non-kid nights (and a few with the kiddos as well!).

Starting on Sunday, October 16th, we will be joining the rest of the church for an all-church Sunday morning study on "Building Antioch."  We will all meet in the Fellowship Hall during our Sunday School hour.  Coffee will be provided, but feel free to bring munchies (and share with everyone else too!!!).  This will be a great time to fellowship and learn with other adults in our church.

There are so many great men's events in the next few months, so all of our "courageous dads" out there...take notice!  And moms, we can have our own "mom's breakfast" or "mom outing" on the days they have their events if you want...or maybe just an early morning play date!

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